Are you looking for English versions of Opera and Operettas?

We can supply you with English translations and versions of some of the popular operas and operettas in the repertoire.
We have English versions from two sources, Peter Clarke and Peter Melville, both available for purchase or hire.
If you have any queries please contact us from the contact page.

English versions of opera

English versions by Peter Clarke

Appalled at unsingable and sometimes incomprehensible translations,
Peter Clarke set about preparing and publishing his own translations, all of which have resulted from commissions.  They have been proven in performance and are performed regularly.

Performing rights are set at 3% of gross ticket sales (subject to a minimum of £50).  Vocal scores and, where applicable, libretti are available for purchase.  Chorus parts are available for hire and contain the whole of the numbers in which the chorus appear.  Full orchestral scores are available from Concord Music Hire and reduced orchestrations for most of them from Pocket Publications.

English versions by Peter Melville

Peter Melville has prepared English versions of operas for performance by Guildford Opera.  These are not just translations but contain adaptions to make them more suitable for a chorus-based company.  All have been proven in performance.  The scores are particularly clear, having been rest using Sibelius software.

Performing rights are set at 3% of gross ticket sales (subject to a minimum of £50).  Vocal scores are available for purchase, as are chorus parts which contain the whole of the numbers (or part of numbers) in which the chorus appear. 

Here is a two page sample of Peter Clarke’s scores, in this case from Verdi’s A Masked Ball

Here is a two page sample from Peter Melville’s vocal score of Saint-Saens’s Henry VIII